
Wide awake.

Why do I do this to myself? Ugh. Charlotte wakes up at about 7-7:30ish every morning. Sometimes I take a nap during the day (only if she decides to take a long 2 hour nap, of course) and sometimes I don't (like yesterday). Either way, it makes for a long day after watching a sweet one year old toddle and play around the house. By the time she goes to bed, I'm spent! I usually fight sleep while sitting on the couch for about an hour. Last night I decided to go to bed at about 9:45pm. Well, of course, I can't ever sleep past 7 hours without taking some kind of sleeping aid (that's what working nights will do for ya) so I wake up at 4:30am. Wide awake. *yawn* After laying in the bed for an hour, having a revelation about where I left my wallet (it had been missing for a week), and being annoyed by the smoke detector beep letting us know that the battery was low... Well, I decided to hop on the net. I need to get back to my Bible reading...


Melissa said...

I wish I could manage to be up three hours before Eli every day! I function best on about 7 hours of sleep, but when I don't go to bed until 10:30, that means wake up time is 5:30 and that is when Eli has been waking up lately. I should try going to bed earlier and getting up earlier because I really need that time alone in the morning to read, journal and pray. Take advantage of it mama! God might be waking you up early for a reason :)

Unknown said...

That is very true! Never thought of it that way before! :)

Chelsea said...

Ooh, good point, Melissa! I've been a late-night QUEEN lately. I don't know why, but I've been staying up until 1 and 2 in the morning, which makes Ben's 6:00am wake-ups really difficult! Hang in there!
